Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Does your gift-wrap do impressions?

Artdog Images of Interest

While researching creative gift-wrapping strategies for this month's series, I discovered an interesting sub-genre of creative wrapping approaches: gifts that look like something else.

Mary Dacuma's creative gift-wrap evokes a chimney with stockings--your very own Santa-stop, whether your home has a fireplace or not.
Pair your chimney-and-stockings with a Santa suit, and everyone can say "Ho-ho-ho!" (also by Mary Dacuma)

No one will mind if this turns out to be a "stuffed shirt"--in fact, I suspect they'll be pleased. 
Your "Christmas shirt" can also sport suspenders . . . and candy "buttons," too.
And speaking of candy, what sweeter way to disguise rolls of quarters (a great stocking-stuffer idea!) than this candy-roll look, attributed to Martha Stewart?
Although these clever disguises won't fool anyone, I bet they'll amuse some of their recipients--and the givers will get extra "points" for creative approaches. Challenge yourself: what kind of creative "impressions" can your gift-wrap do?

Blogger's note: Life intervened lat week, and although I had planned this topic to be last Saturday's post, I never got it posted. So sorry! But it's still not Christmas yet, so I figured this would still be timely. I hope you agree!

IMAGES: Many thanks to Mary Dacuma and E-How, for the chimney-with-stockings and Santa-suit gift wrap ideas. For instructions on how to re-create these looks, check the E-How page. The "stuffed" Christmas shirt and the shirt-with-suspenders gift wrap ideas are both from Lawrie Gullion's "Christmas" Pinterest page. The quarter rolls disguised as candy are attributed to Martha Stewart, though I couldn't find a direct link to this photo on her page of gift-wrapping wonders; I found this photo on the Room-Mom 101 Pinterest page.

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