Monday, May 4, 2020

My first original video

What more auspicious day to post my first original video on my own YouTube channel, than on Star Wars Day?

What's my first original video about?

Here's the information that accompanies my video reading.

I owe Virtual DemiCon, and the amazing Joe Struss, a lot of thanks. They premiered this video during their event

They also got me off my butt! I've known I probably should do a video reading for a long time, but it's hard to get off "square one." Especially when it's your first foray into a new medium. They provided the needed motivation. Thanks very much! You guys are awesome.

While Virtual DemiCon is still available, please do yourself a favor! Check in, then take in as many of the events as still remain online!

Thank you to DemiCon for this image.

What makes Star Wars Day appropriate?

By Source, Fair Use
The original Star Wars movie made a huge impression on me when it came out in theaters in 1977. I may have lived in Kansas City for more than 40 years, but I didn't move here till my marriage in 1978. So I managed to miss MidAmeriCon I in 1976, where there was a big display and all the stars came to talk about this movie they were making.

In 1977 I lived and taught in tiny Lockwood, MO. I'd watched and enjoyed Star Trek reruns on TV by then. My soon-to-be husband had turned me on to Frank Herbert's Dune, and the librarians at the Ash Grove Library had by then gotten me intrigued in science fiction stories from Poul Anderson and Isaac Asimov. 

But I had never seen anything like like that movie before

I paid the at-the-time-exorbitant price of $3.00 for a ticket multiple times to see it over and over again (No VHS, no Betamax--not on my horizon till years later! No Blockbuster Video, and certainly no Netflix, Hulu, or Disney Plus, back in those ancient days!). 

I didn't go back again and again for the plot. I didn't go to critique the space physics. No, I went to bask in the spectacle (Artist. Visual creature. I drank it in.)

And not long after that, I started writing my first science fiction novel. I still have the typescript somewhere--typed on a manual Underwood in the evenings, after I finished my lesson plans for the day. It's horrifying dreck, but it's the first novel-length fiction I ever actually finished.

A 1952 Underwood "Rhythm Touch," like the one I used. Many thanks to Machines of Loving Grace for this photo.

Does that make me a "Warrior," not a "Trekkie"?

Well, no. As time went on, I came to enjoy lots of different science fiction stories, shows, and films. I love Star Trek, too. And--sorry, diehard "Warriors"--a lot of the Star Wars movies make little to no "real-world" sense (don't get me started on things I find cringeworthy). 

But the visuals, the droids, other-world creatures, the exotic vistas, the sheer spectacle of the Star Wars movies--those, I still enjoy. They attracted me in formative ways, during my early days of writing sf. And they bring a nostalgic smile to my lips to this day (well, some of them. Give me Darth Vader in a TIE fighter, but leave Jar-Jar in the closet where he belongs).

So my first original video--my own "mini movie"--that opens a glimpse of my science fictional world, is an appropriate thing to release on Star Wars Day. It's not too long on spectacle. But I hope you enjoy it, nonetheless.

Give me that quintessential villain Darth Vader in his TIE fighter! Many thanks ImgFlip.


My video may be found on my YouTube channel.  I created the information card with the Cover for The Other Side of Fear,  plus copyright information, etc. Many thanks to Virtual DemiCon for the "CONTAMINATED" design, to Wikipedia, for the original 1977 Star Wars movie poster image, and to Machines of Loving Grace for the photo of the 1952 Underwood "Rhythm Touch" manual typewriter.  Many thanks also to ImgFlip, for the photo of Darth Vader in his TIE fighter.

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