Wednesday, December 19, 2018


I've been trying to wrap up my final draft and get it to the last editor since the beginning of December. My plans were clear, my goals laid out with pristine exactitude.

Yeah, that.

The details--although I'm sweating them currently--don't really matter to the big picture. What does matter is that at any moment something else WILL demand my attention. So instead of a long, wordy post I thought today I'd offer a handful of thoughts on interruptions.

As a former teacher, I can relate--although the interruptions during my classroom presentations or discussions were almost as often announcements on the intercom, or calls from the office on the classroom phone, as they were interruptions by students.

This topic yielded a multitude of cartoons and memes from office settings, medical, legal, and other fields. I certainly don't feel alone in my plight. If you share it, you have my heartfelt commiseration. If you live blissfully free of interruptions, just wait.

You'll get yours, soon enough.

IMAGES: Many thanks to QuoteFancy, for the Allen Saunders quote-image; to the Teaching in Blue Jeans Facebook page, via Charlotte Jackson's Pinterest board, for the guidance on when classroom interruptions are okay; to Comforting Quotes for the observation by French writer Andre Maurois; and to Kjersti Berg via SlidePlayer, for the "interruptions gestalt" image, though I couldn't immediately confirm the $$ estimate.

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